Dear all,
I’ll try my best to deliver the latest breaking news on this interesting AMD Sues Intel case in coming days. Stay tuned !!
Updates from sources saying AMD will have to show thousands of e-mail messages as proofs to the antitrust complaint against Intel, including emails from its key partners if needed.
“There is going to be a lot of ‘he said, she said’ in this case,” Charles Diamond, a lawyer at O’Melveny & Myers and AMD’s lead outside counsel said, noting that AMD’s legal team is asking its potential witnesses to begin securing e-mail and other correspondence.
Attorney Diamond said AMD initially based its complaint on some 80 interviews between AMD and its partners and customers. AMD’s legal team said it will now use the “period of discovery,” where companies may be required to submit corporate data as evidence, to support their claims in this case.
Below are some charges against Intel, AMD filed in the lawsuit:-
- Intel paid Sony multimillion-dollar sums in 2003, disguised as discounts and promotional support, in exchange for absolute microprocessor exclusivity. Sony abruptly canceled an AMD Mobile Athlon notebook model.
- Intel paid Toshiba a “very substantial” amount in 2001 not to use AMD processors. Toshiba thereupon dropped AMD. Its executives told AMD that Intel’s financial inducements amounted to “cocaine.”
- In the summer of 2002, Fujitsu informed AMD that Intel had pressured the Japanese PC maker to remove Fujitsu’s AMD-powered desktop models from its Web site.
- Intel issued a “special discount” on Celeron processors that Fujitsu-Siemens accepted, in exchange for hiding its AMD computers on its Web site and removing all references to commercial AMD-powered products in the company’s retail catalog.
Oh man, if all (or some of) these claims are true, I do not know what to say then. [-(
To all readers (including Intel ones :D ), I will try to be rational while posting this issue because these are all claims only until it is proven. Feel free to drop our comments too. :)
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