AMD team has successfully overclocked AMD Phenom II to 6.5GHz from its original 3.0GHz, and subsequently set the new world record of 45,474 for 3DMark05 benchmarking. This new world record was set in recent Consumer Electronics Show on January 10, 2009. On top of the new world record, this extreme text also broke a few incredible “first-ever” records :-
- First Quad Core x86 processor to break 6.5GHz processing speed
- Running below extreme temperature at -230 Celcious!
This incredible overclocked speed at 6.5GHz can only be achieved by using liquid helium, which is even colder than the conventional liquid nitrogen for extreme overclocking. Liquid helium is known to be colder than the vacuum of space in the universe.
Usually, a processor will exhibit a “cold bug”, a situation where the processor stops working, under certain extreme temperature. Even the latest Intel Core i7 won’t perform below -100 degree Celcious. AMD Phenom II didn’t even break the barrier but set a new world record as well!
Check out the video after the jump :-
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