In an expansion of the anititrust law suit started early this week, Advanced Micro Devices filed two suits against Intel in Japan seeking more than USD$50 million for alleged anticompetitive acts.
AMD filed the claims through its AMD Japan unit on Thursday, June 30, 2005.
AMD’s suit in the Tokyo High Court seeks USD$50 million in damages and stems from the Japan Fair Trade Commission‘s findings in March that Intel violated the country’s antimonopoly act. AMD also sued Intel in the Tokyo District Court seeking “millions of dollars of damages for various anticompetitive acts in addition to what is covered” by the Japan Fair Trade Commission decision.
In other words, AMD has already filed law suits in two different countries, the US and Japan, against Intel. Personally, I think the CPU war will expand over time.
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AMD Takes CPU War To Japan
[Source: SapiensBryan Blog – The Latest Tech Breaking News Blog.] quoted: AMD’s suit in the Tokyo High Court seeks USD$50 million in damages and stems from the Japan Fair Trade Commission’s findings in March that Intel violated the country&…