So far, microprocessor manufacturer, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), does not have its own motherboard chipset unlike their bitter rival, Intel, do. However, soon AMD will introduce its own special chipset for entertainment-oriented PCs.
AMD is planning to come up with a new brand for its digital media platforms in 2006 utilizing their own chipset. Currently AMD is still relying on third party chipset manufacturer such as VIA Technology. The coming chipset will be labeled a brand new name too which remains unknown at the moment. Well, this new brand is likely to compete against Intel’s Viiv which also targeting entertainment-oriented PCs.
While Intel’s Viiv based PC is expected to be available in the first quarter of 2006, the development time line for the new brand of AMD is still unclear to the public. Hopefully, sooner or later we will see some AMD brand motherboards available in the market.
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