First Virus For Windows Vista

Saturday 6 August 2005 @ 1:16 pm

An Austrian hacker, who named “Second Part To Hell“, become the first virus writer by writing what are thought to be the first known viruses for Microsoft’s Windows Vista operating system (OS), according to Mikko Hypponen, chief research officer at F-Secure.

The viruses take advantage of a new command shell, codenamed Monad, that was included in the Windows Vista beta code. They were published on a virus-writing tutorial written for an underground hacker group calling itself the Ready Ranger Liberation Front, and take advantage of security vulnerabilities in the new command shell.

This command shell would be similar to what Linux OS is using, allows users to use powerful text-based commands, it is much like Windows’ predecessor, DOS too. The command shell is so powerful and allows users to make as huge and complex scripts as users do in Linux’s BASH (Bourne Again Shell).

This first Windows Vista virus is named the virus family Danom (Monad in reverse), by F-Secure. Besides, F-Secure says, even though the Danom family is disruptive, it is not able not capable of causing significant damage to Windows users.

Anyway, it is not surprise to see virus created to target any OS, it’s just too early to see one, after just eight days since Windows Vista beta was released. :-?

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4 Responses to 'First Virus For Windows Vista'

  1. tmz_99 - August 6th, 2005 at 1:12 pm

    Im not usually big on viruses, but damn,that was quick! :D well done I suppose?? :|

  2. tmz_99 - August 6th, 2005 at 9:12 pm

    Im not usually big on viruses, but damn,that was quick! :D well done I suppose?? :|

  3. SapiensBryan - August 6th, 2005 at 1:58 pm

    For me, it’s not only quick, it raised the doubt of how secure the coming Windows is too. Imagine just 8 days after released the beta version. :p

  4. SapiensBryan - August 6th, 2005 at 9:58 pm

    For me, it’s not only quick, it raised the doubt of how secure the coming Windows is too. Imagine just 8 days after released the beta version. :p

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