What are you going to do in the aiplane for the next couple hours if you are taking a long distance flight?
Read magazines? Watch movies? Sleep?
Well, now you can online on the air !!
Connexion by Boeing wants to turn your on-plane boredom and downtime into productive time by pumping in a high-speed broadband Internet connection via satellite. The Connexion service has been in the works for years, and almost faltered after September 11 caused a downturn in domestic U.S. airline sustainability and worldwide business activity.
However, the division retooled its efforts, refocused on long-haul flights, and has brought an Internet service to market that, so far, appears to deliver on its promise based on a test flight that I took in the Seattle, Washington area, and on the experiences of several travelers, including one of Toms’ own editors.
There are certain planes and routes are providing this service currently, including Lufthansa, Singapore Airlines, SAS, ANA, and Japan Airlines. While airlines like China Airlines, El Al, and Korean Air, will have that service soon.
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