
Saturday 7 May 2005 @ 9:53 am

Received some photos from a friend about iDog, product from Sega Toys, then I managed to dig out some information about iDog.

It is actually a small little toy, which has a dimension of 116x107x100 and weighted 170g. It operates on 3 AAA batteries.

iDog Size

Basically iDog has the following functionalities:-

1. When you press its noce (the only button on its face) or move its tail, iDog will play you some melodies whie flashing you with combination of LEDs colours. It will sort of shake its head and move its ears as well.

Play iDog
iDog Tail

2. iDog is able to act as a small speaker, though the quality is not that good. You just have to plug your source of music, such as a mp3 player, into the jack on its left rear leg.

iDog Music

However, iDog can’t move. It will stay stationary while it is playing with you.

As a conclusion, iDog is a nice toy to play when you are bored, but it will never replace Aibo, from Sony, due to its limited functionality.

I’ve zipped up all full size pictures, feel free to download it here.

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