Finally I come across article debating this hot issue.
Now Intel and AMD dual core processors are already available in the market, but have you thought that are they value for money spent? It is no doubt dual core processors would certainly take computing to the next level, the question now is by how much and are those two Intel and AMD dual core processors will perform the same?
Anyway, I would have to agree with the following quote from the article regarding the thermal issues. AMD is proud of their Opteron dual core processors regarding low power consumption and low heat generated. AMD stresses on “2 cores with 1 core power consumption“.
Although Intel may have won the race-to-the-launch game, they still lurk behind AMD in majority of the performance tests conducted by various media outlets.
We all know Intel’s recent history with its desktop processors. They were sub-par, to say the least. The Prescott chips were plagued with thermal issues, performance lags due to the use of 31 stage pipelines, high prices and the fact that they couldn’t come anywhere close to what AMD had to offer.
I still remember how Intel was touting “Speed Is King” by emphasizing on the Mhz they labeled on their processors since Pentium III. If you noticed Intel’s move in re-labeling all their processor’s code names last year, you’ll have a doubt why did they do that. I think the reason would be the same as the following quote says: Performance Is Far More Important Than Speed.
Intel just couldn’t keep up with AMD due to thermal issues, which eventually led the world’s largest chipmaker to abandon it’s plans to introduce a 4GHz version of the Pentium 4 late last year. In fact, Intel completely went from having a “MHz is king” mentality, to a more “performance” oriented marketing stance. The sudden change of heart was clearly obvious.
It doesn’t look too positive for Intel when “little” AMD can deliver better performing products at competitive prices, and Intel who is supposedly the world’s largest chipmaker, can’t counter with a competitive product.
I never regret buying my AMD64 system last year, because I truly feel that it really worthed it, and it’s value for my money too. Besides, I’ll have to agree with the following quote as well, because I have come across so many real life cases seeing sales person trying to take advantage on the consumer’s limited knowledge on CPU.
Intel might not have to worry all that much due to their monopolistic relationships with thundering OEMs like Dell, HP and Sony, but that still doesn’t justify their continuity to produce unimpressive products. It’s simply not fair for those with limited computing knowledge that buy these systems to pay high prices for underperforming products.
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I think Intel is better on graphic, calculation, 3D, etc and AMD is better on gaming. No? AMD is good but motherboard support is limited, huh? I am oudated on Intel vs. AMD already…
Ya, you are right. Intel claims that they are better in term of floating point techologies, whereas AMD is said to be better in 3D and graphic processing.
In term of overall performance, I don’t see AMD loses anyway. They make good processor and yet at an affordable price. Don’t get me wrong, I did not say Intel chips are bad, :p, they are definitely good in some technologies like application processing. Benchmarkings always show Intel is the winner in application processing and AMD will be the winner in 3D and graphic.
No doubt, hands down to AMD when we talk about heat generated and power comsumption. People always think AMD has heat problem since Athlon Era, but this is definitely not the case in their new dual core Athlon X2. AMD’s dual core processors only consume the power of one core.