An Indian man, named Deepak Sharma, from Ludhiana, sent out 182,689 SMS messages in a month !!
So, this insane record has been recorded in the Guinness Book for having sent the most SMS messages in a single month.
If you have a calculator with you, that’s about 6,100 messages a day, 253 an hour, 4.2 a minute, or a new one every 14 seconds or so !!
You know what’s his return for doing that? It’s a 1,411 page long bill sent by his moile service provider, Airtel. I wonder is this a new Guinness world record or not? :p
By the way, this guy has an unlimited SMS plan. You know, people tend to be greedy when the thing is free, that’s why he fully utilized the unlimited SMS plan. :D
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