Mozilla Foundation Turns Corporation

Tuesday 9 August 2005 @ 12:33 am

Mozilla Foundation, the maker of Firefox web browser, will become Mozilla Corporation in the announcement on last Wednesday, August 3, 2005. In other words, it will be a wholly-owned subsidiary that will continue the development, distribution and marketing of Mozilla Firefox and Mozilla Thunderbird.

Don’t worry, dude. Mozilla Foundation ensures you there will not be any big difference after this transformation.

The change will not affect the day-to-day development of Mozilla, with the current system of module owners, drivers, reviewers and super-reviewers staying in place. End-users are unlikely to notice any difference either, though the Mozilla Foundation and the Mozilla Corporation will eventually have separate websites. At the moment, only Firefox and Thunderbird will be developed under the auspices of the Mozilla Corporation; other projects, such as Camino and SeaMonkey, will continue to be overseen by the Mozilla Foundation.

Hopefully, with the creation of the Mozilla Corporation some of the thorny legal and tax issues that have been caused by the revenue-generating potential of Firefox and Thunderbird can be eliminated. The Mozilla Corporation will now handle all relationships with commercial companies and its status should allow more flexibility in this area. It is hoped that the income from the Mozilla Corporation will help the Mozilla project (including both the Foundation and the Corporation) to be more self-supporting.

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2 Responses to 'Mozilla Foundation Turns Corporation'

  1. n305er - August 9th, 2005 at 9:53 am

    Buy their Shares!!! Buy their shares!!!
    Hee hee hee…

  2. SapiensBryan - August 9th, 2005 at 10:39 am

    LoL …

    They turned corporate only, not sure will they get listed in NASDAQ so soon or not. If they decided to get listed, I’m sure a lot of Mozilla Supporters will buy their shares, no doubt. :)

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