An Internet Explorer bug has been found days ago. Microsoft almost immediately on Tuesday, July 5, 2005, posted a temporary workaround to a bug in Internet Explorer that could let an attacker grab control of a PC.
The vulnerability involves the “Javaprxy.dll” file, which is part of the Microsoft Java Virtual Machine, and handles ActiveX controls. A hacker could exploit the bug to make IE crash or even insert his own code onto the system.
The workaround, which users can download from Microsoft’s Download Center, disables Javaprxy.dll by modifying the Windows registry. The same can be done manually, but most users are unfamiliar with that crucial component of the operating system. Please be aware that an error in the registry can make Windows unbootable.
For your information, the affected versions of IE include IE 5.01 SP3 and SP4, IE 5.5 SP2, IE 6.0, and 6.0 SP1 on Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP including SP2, and Windows Server 2003 including SP1.
If you are using IE, please download the temporary workaround now, for your own sake. :D
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