Turion64 X2 Is Coming In May 06

Friday 3 March 2006 @ 2:44 pm

Turion64 X2The Turion X2 processors will be launched in early May 2006, The Inquirer reported. So, what’s so great about Turion64 X2, you might ask. Well, Turion64 X2 is the upcoming AMD’s dual core Turion64 mobile processor, which has two separate core in one mobile processor die.

As reported, there will be 2 groups of new Turion X2 processors :-

  • 1.6GHz, 1.8GHz and 2.0GHz models (with 2x 512KB L2 caches)
  • 1.6GHz low-end model (with 2x 256KB L2 caches)

I have written a short introduction to Turion processor some time back.

Dual Core Processor

Currently there are 2 series of single core Turion64 in the market, which are ML series and MT series. Both series require 35W and 25W power respectively to preform within nominal specifications. The new Turion64 X2 will operate on 1.075 volts, pretty low to further enhance the battery life.

According to The Inquirer, the shortcoming of Turion64 X2 is both cores are not independently powered or clocked. It’s believed that the battery life will be somehow affected.

Really can’t wait to see benchmarking made using Turion64 X2 and compare with Intel’s Yonah mobile processor.

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6 Responses to 'Turion64 X2 Is Coming In May 06'

  1. alexallied - March 4th, 2006 at 10:46 am

    Would like to know one major issue AMD always had: how’s the operating temperature? Any improvement in that particular area? I would really like to see a cooler AMD CPU. I’ve been using AMD for 4 years and then switched to Intel coz I’ve fed up dealing with its ventilation and cooling system.

  2. SapiensBryan - March 4th, 2006 at 1:13 pm

    The temperature problem of AMD has been improving since the introduction of Athlon X2. While Intel was pushing the processor speed to a higher limit, they had temperature problem with recent chips. Getting a higher speed is not a good idea, that’s the reason everyone is going into dual core now and soon multi-core.

  3. saeng - March 4th, 2006 at 1:36 pm

    naaah…can’t beat the Core Duo! no way! :p

  4. SapiensBryan - March 4th, 2006 at 2:06 pm

    I think so. Intel is still superior in mobile processor market, thanks to the success of Pentium-M.

    Btw, why they named it Core Duo? Must be another differentiating strategy, huh? :)

  5. saeng - March 8th, 2006 at 11:54 pm

    wait till they release the desktop and server version! u’d be impressed i promise lol

    well for starters, it IS different..different architecture…different erm everything. cant say too much here lol

  6. SapiensBryan - March 9th, 2006 at 12:25 am

    Can’t wait to see. Gotta keep an eye on Intel’s public release of the upcoming architecture then. :)

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