Soon we will see .org domains that sell at the price of only USD$1 for developing countries under the new scheme by non-for-profit registry PIR.
According to the source, start from July, PIR (Public Interest Registry) will provide domain name sellers with a USD$5 rebate for every domain they sell in Latin America and India (come on, Malaysia also a developing country what !!). The cost to registrars is actually USD$6 per domain per year, so after the rebate, it will become only USD$1 !!
PIR will start selling .org domains in eight different languages from this weekend (23 July). Danish, Hungarian, Icelandic, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish and Swedish will be added to existing German domains, opening the first front on a much larger push for “internationalised domain names” or IDNs. All domains registered in the eight new languages from 23 July to 22 August will be locked until 21 September in order to give companies the opportunity to check for any intellectual property infringements, and then will be released onto the market.
This scheme is believe to have some benefits such as reducing the price of domains for some of the poorest countries and giving registrars a greater incentive to sell .org domains.
They should come out with a slogan like AirAsia’s “Now everyone can fly !!”, and sounds like this “Now everyone can own a .org domain name !!”. :D
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