China Fights Illegal Site

Monday 27 June 2005 @ 4:06 pm

China has been trying to control the cyberspace in the country while the issue of illegal websites is going rampant in recent few years. Now, China come out with a policy that all Chinese-run websites that fail to register with telecommunications authorities before June 30, 2005 will be temporarily closed down. The temporarily suspended websites will be given another 10 days to comply before being shut down permanently.

The announcement was made Friday by the Ministry of Information Industry in a bid “to control domestic Internet information services,” the Xinhua news agency said.

This move is the latest in China’s efforts to police the Internet and follow stringent efforts known as the Great Firewall of China. This will certainly be a very good step to keep illegal wesbites off the Internet.

China already requires all users of Internet cafes to register before using the Internet, while major websites have signed onto a code of conduct to keep non-authorized content off their websites and chatrooms.

Since China already made some moves in fighting illegal stuffs on the Internet, I wonder what Malaysia government will be doing to complement to the steps other countries are doing. Come on, atleast do some spot check to the Internet cafes lah !!

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2 Responses to 'China Fights Illegal Site'

  1. wil@theblackjournal - June 27th, 2005 at 4:12 pm

    Keep illegal wesbites off the Internet? I think they want to keep all the websites off the net…ahah…

  2. SapiensBryan - June 27th, 2005 at 5:13 pm

    Haha… LoL..

    I know quite a lot of BT seeds are from Chinese websites, shutting down those websites will mean a significant decrement in sources. Kekkeke ….

    Good luck to P2P users. :D

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