Archive for the 'Technology' Category
Tuesday 29 March 2005 @ 2:00 pm
Okay, here is the links to 46 useful freeware utilitise software you might need in you daily life dealing with computer. I’ve not used all of them in the above link but would really like to recommend you some that i’m using, like:-
The Best Free Web Browser: Firefox
This is by far the best browser i’ve used. I gave up using IE 3 years ago when i first met Firefox. You should try it out and i’m sure you’ll love its TAB feature which you can’t find in the original IE. This freeware is highly recommended by me.
Best Firewall: Zone Alarm
I wonder why this product is not in the list of 46 best freeware utilitise. I found Zone Alarm reliable and does what it should do all the time. This software is the first i’ll install right after a fresh reinstall of my Windows, even before any antivirus/patches is installed. This because intruders is more dangerous than some viruses, IMHO.
Best Free Anti-Virus Software: AVG
Well, for those who has not have a free antivirus in your PC, go get AVG for free. It’s a good alternative to expensive antivirus like Norton Antivirus, etc.
Best Free Adware/Spyware Remover: AdAware
Adaware helps you to get rid of spyware and adware from your PC. One feature i like about AdAware is it allows you to scan a particular folder or location. However, i have not tried Microsoft’s Antispyware simply because it is still in Beta phase, it’s no doubt i’ll give it a try when a more stable version is launched.
- Best Free Email Client: Thunderbird
I’ve been using it since 1 year ago and I’m lovin’ it. If you are only a Outlook Express user, I highly recommend this freeware to you as its better than Outlook Express in term of feature-wise. It has built-in spam filtering and RSS Feed Subcriptions. (Don’t know what is RSS? No worries, you can click here or here for detailed information. By the way, this website is RSS validated and you can subscribe to WiseWit RSS Feed as well.)
- The Best Free FTP Client: FileZilla
If you need to use FTP software frequently, you won’t go wrong with this freeware.
Best Free Rename Utility: Lupas Rename 2000
To those who likes to change your file extensions (for whatever purpose it is, :p ), now no more
rename *.* *.abc
Best Free Windows Driver Backup: WinRet
Tired of keeping backup of your Windows drivers? or fed up when you can’t find a suitable driver for yur hardware after a fresh reinstallation of your Windows? This freeware is definitely the one you want to own. Furthermore it backups more than drivers, including system registry, etc.
I always want to thank those freeware developers for making us awesome free-of-charge yet useful applications. Here, i would like to thank them again for their good contribution to all of us.
Thank You So Much !!
I hope you all enjoy those software as well. :)