Come Take A Real IQ Test

Monday 25 July 2005 @ 6:30 pm

Just tried out a real IQ test and thought of sharing it with you all. I know some of you might be working, so just try it out during your lunch time or even before you sleep at night.

This test is developed with the aim of measuring your Intelligence Quotient (IQ). The test is Culture Fair, i.e. it minimizes the effect of cultural variables, such as language, mathematics, etc. The test is based on logic, but is furthermore designed to test learning capability, memory, innovative thinking and the ability to simultaneously address several problems.

Please prepare yourself with 40 minutes spare time because you are required to finish 39 questions in 40 minutes. The level of difficulty of the questions increases gradually, which means you feel like a genius when you are answering the first few questions then for the last few questions you will think you are actually not. :D

Just in case you find two logical answers to one question you are supposed to choose the simplest answer. You can finish up the test before the time is up but you are not rewarded for anything (heck, i left 1.5 minutes), so take your time. By the way, guess the answer if you are not sure because wrong answer will not be penalized.

My IQ Test

I got 116 for The IQ Test, hope it is not too bad. :D
You should try it out, remember do not cheat, no second attempt either!!

Hope you enjoy it and feel free to share you result here too. :)

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7 Responses to 'Come Take A Real IQ Test'

  1. Mas Ahmad - July 25th, 2005 at 12:52 pm

    Kewl. Very tough indeed. I only managed to get 114.

  2. Mas Ahmad - July 25th, 2005 at 8:52 pm

    Kewl. Very tough indeed. I only managed to get 114.

  3. SapiensBryan - July 25th, 2005 at 12:54 pm

    Ya, it’s quite tough in the end.

    Well done, 114 is not a bad result either. :)

  4. SapiensBryan - July 25th, 2005 at 8:54 pm

    Ya, it’s quite tough in the end.

    Well done, 114 is not a bad result either. :)

  5. Tkdchic002 - April 10th, 2011 at 11:50 pm

    Just t let u know I have taken a real one at a collage and. It is about 170 and I am only twelve so I don’t believe 112 is to good or it isn’t real

  6. Jrdurnall - May 21st, 2011 at 2:08 am

    Just to let you know that 112 is average. If your IQ touch 170 you should have been able to tell that. My IQ is 149 I’ve taken the IQ test from a psychologist which is the only place you can really take a true IQ test. Most of the other ones are false. Including ones you can take at a college. If your true IQ touch 170 you’d have only 10 less than Einstein which is almost a. 00000001% chance…

  7. gg - July 8th, 2011 at 7:19 am

    this doesnt work because in school i was put into the gifted program and to be put in they test you and your I.Q. has to be over 115 and i got 106 in this and in a humans life their I.Q. points only change a couple of points

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