Archive for April, 2005

YaGoohoo!gle !!

Monday 4 April 2005 @ 1:14 pm

We have Yahoo!.
We have Google.
So, what do we have now?

YaGoohoo!gle !!

We have YaGoohoo!gle !! :D
[Update : July 11, 2005 : Link Down.]

Microsoft First 2005 Failure

Monday 4 April 2005 @ 12:40 pm

You know, this is when things just won’t work !!

Bill gates was showing a glimp of what Microsoft is up to in CES 2005, unfortunately (or whatsoever) the system just won’t work. :-?

Here is some hilarious quotes in the show:-

BG: I think we are alright, that’s the problem we have the wrong remote control. It’s good thing only have one though.

Host: It’s incredible, i don’t know who is running things here? (he spoke in front of BG. :)) )

Host: Who is incharge of Microsoft? Ow, eRrRr…… (again, he spoke in front of BG.)

Host: I think we should move on, yet again.
BG: Yup.
Host: Hahhahhahahhah …….
Host: That was a powerful “Yup”.

Host: My GOD, Bill said “Yup”, get outta here !! (This is the most hilarious part. ROFL)

Take a look of this Video Clip.

Windows XP Professional x64 Edition RC2 Preview

Sunday 3 April 2005 @ 7:08 pm

To 64 bit system users,

Anyone of you thinking of upgrading to or “test-drive” Microsoft latest WinXP Professional 64bit system?

If, yes, then you might want to read this preview.

The conclusion is:

Windows XP Professional x64 Edition Release Candidate 2 (RC2) is a rousing technological achievement, a near-perfect migration of Windows XP Professional to a 64-bit code base that doesn’t sacrifice performance for 64-bit capabilities. But while XP x64 is far more compatible with hardware and software than its Itanium-based predecessor, it is also not compatible enough to meet the needs of average users. Therefore, most XP users should stick with XP 32-bit through at least the end of 2005.

If you’re a technology enthusiast with the right hardware, however, XP x64 offers a chance to live on the edge in a way that hasn’t been possible for Windows users since the HCL-wielding days of NT 4. With XP x64, Microsoft has provided a superb technological base for the next several years, one that will likely become the mainstream computing platform during the Longhorn time frame. Like a faraway land full of treasure real or imagined in an age of explorers, XP x64 is there for the brave and foolhardy.

By Paul Thurrott

How Gigabyte Motherboards Are Made

Sunday 3 April 2005 @ 6:29 pm

Wonder how a computer motherboard is made?

Take a tour of the manufacturing processes of Gigabyte motherboards.

This tour will cover :-

Page 1: How Motherboards Are Made: A Gigabyte Factory Tour
Page 2: Entering the Motherboard Factory
Page 3: First steps in Motherboard Manufacturing
Page 4: SMT Assembly Line
Page 5: SMT Process Continues
Page 6: Pick and Place Chipsets
Page 7: Convection Ovens for PCB
Page 8: In-Circuit Testing and Visual Inspection
Page 9: Gigabyte’s Enormous Automated Warehouse
Page 10: SMT Automated Reel Storage
Page 11: The Expensive Goods
Page 12: Manual Assembly (DIP) Line
Page 13: Installing Sockets and Ports
Page 14: Wave Soldering
Page 15: Flowing Over The Molton Solder
Page 16: Buffing and Cleaning
Page 17: Testing Stage 2: Full Hardware Tests
Page 18: Automated Testing Platforms
Page 19: Testing Stage 3: Burn In
Page 20: Final Motherboard Packaging

Ipod Socks

Sunday 3 April 2005 @ 6:24 pm

Do you have an Apple Ipod ?

Ipod Sock

If you do, Ipod Sock might suit you. :)

WIFI network hacked in 3 minutes !!

Saturday 2 April 2005 @ 7:57 pm

FBI agents in Los Angeles demonstrated current WEP-cracking techniques and broke a 128 bit WEP key in about three minutes.


So, use WPA instead.

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Apple iPad & Maxis WiFi Modem Reviews
Nokia N8 Reviews «
Nokia N8 Reviews
Samsung Galaxy S Reviews «
Samsung Galaxy S Reviews
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